Deadliest Fiction Wiki

I began to think I heard something else than merely the noise of my own footsteps. For every few steps I took I heard a crunch, and then another crunch as if someone was walking after me but taking steps three or four times the length of my own.
— J. Norman Collie on his encounter with Am Fear Liath Mòr

Am Fear Liath Mór (Scottish Gealic for "Big Grey Man"), also known as the Big Grey Man of Ben MacDhui or simply the Greyman, is an tall humanoid creature the haunts the Scottish mountain of Ben Macdui and causes fear in who ever tries to climb it. Few of those who've witnessed the monster describe it as an extremely tall figure covered with short hair, having olive toned skin with long arms and broad shoulders.

Because of it's ape-like appearance it has been grouped by cryptozoologist with other cryptics like the Yeti form Asia and Sasquatch form North America under the "True Giants" group. And while there are numerous sightings and a few photographs of unusual footprints, psychologists have theorized that these sightings are due to illusions, hallucinations brought be exhaustion or isolation.
